Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

President's Message
Jan 7, 2020

This Thursday, January 9, is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.  The men and women in Law Enforcement are people who dedicate their lives to keeping others safe.  It takes a very special kind of person to do the things that they do, especially in the face of adversity. At times they see, through the eyes of crime victims and broken families the very worst of what human beings are capable of. At other times they see the innocence of humanity through the eyes of a new born baby that they may have just helped to deliver.  It is a job with so many highs and lows, yet these incredible men and women never fail to answer the call.  I encourage all of our members to take the time to show their appreciation for these brave men and women.  As a sign of your appreciation, I urge all of our members to wear blue on January 9 in solidarity with all Law Enforcement Officers in our courthouses, in our neighborhoods, in our nation, and around the world. I also ask that each of us take a moment to sit in silence and honor those Law Enforcement Officers who have lost their lives in service to others.

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