Enrollment for Life Insurance

Who is Eligible:

Full time employees and eligible dependents.

Benefits commence on the 1st day of the month following completion of 60 days full time service except if the required enrollment card is not filed, in which case eligibility will commence on the 1st day of the month following the month in which the enrollment card is received at the Fund office. Coverage for any person who thereafter becomes an eligible dependent shall commence on the 1st day of the month following the date upon which an enrollment card for such dependent is received.

Benefit Defined: The Fund will provide a Life Insurance policy for eligible full time employees and their dependents according to the schedule outlined in the insurance certificate. Full details of all provisions are contained in the certificate issued from the insurance carrier.

Filing Requirements: The beneficiary must give written notice of claim within 30 days after any loss.  Written proof must be sent within 90 days after the date of loss. Full Details are contained in the certificate issued to all eligible employees.

Limitations:  A person may not have coverage both as an eligible employee and as a covered dependent.  If both spouses are full time employees only one eligible spouse may cover the eligible children as insured dependents.

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